Offering Move In-Out Cleaning Services? Here Are Some Few Pointers


Sometimes, there are people and businesses that need to be relocated. In this case, they may want to have their new space cleaned before they can enter. Similarly, when a landlord wants his old property to be cleaned and retrieved after they have moved out. Often, facilities such as apartments, houses and buildings are one of the most common areas for cleaning services called exit / re-cleaning service. So, if you have a cleaning company that offers a different cleaning service, it is your chance to make more profit.

Basically, moving out / moving to a cleaning service is necessary when one employer moves from one place to another. This is where the cleaning company will pick up the dirt from the new or old building. The entry / exit cleaning service varies depending on the size of the area. If you are a newborn in providing this type of cleaning service, you may want to start with smaller tasks. In general, the size of the works varies with the size of the establishment floor. With a little work, start providing an exit / cleaning service for apartments and houses.

Once you are ready to provide cleaning / exit cleaning services, it is best to first contact property management companies. Finding a place to live or a collage in the city is beneficial for you as there will be no shortage of work. If your company has been cleaning commercial premises before, there can be no doubt that many customers will demand your services if they need to go out / clean up.

To get a good start, it is best to work with a qualified local manager so that you can balance the time you spend cleaning the entire building. After you and the site manager build a good relationship, instead of providing a limited cost of cleaning service, you will simply let your cleaning time be charged. Your customers will probably need specialized cleaning services such as carpet cleaning, tile scrubbing and floor polishing. This is where you can charge them separately so you can have more profit.

The prices of the exit / service cleaning service that you can provide to your clients may vary depending on the type of facility you are cleaning. The best price for a cleaning service is $ 20 – $ 25. In particular, apartments and houses are less profitable as owners need to stick to a limited budget for cleaning service. They usually choose to charge their cleaning service for a lower price. This is where you need to be careful when bidding as you can see that you are losing profits because you have ignored the timeline.

Whether you are cleaning a building or a residence, there are some practical steps you can take that you would like to consider when providing an exit / cleaning service. These steps will help you ensure the satisfaction of your clients.

  1. Find out how much cleaning group the building needs. If a building needs a small number of people to be cleaned like small apartments or houses, 2 to 4 workers can be ideal.
  2. Assign specialist staff when it comes to certain cleaning tasks so that the cleaning process can be done more quickly and efficiently. For example, a window cleaner should be assigned to clean windows and glass panels.
  3. The cleaning team leader will be responsible for delivering and collecting all the materials and tools used to clean the building before and after the cleaning procedures.
  4. Before you start, check the building resources. Of course, to clean floors and tiles, you need water. To make the vacuum work, you need electrical energy. Therefore, you need to make sure that all these features are introduced before you start with the cleaning project.
  5. Start your cleaning process by picking up all the heavy and heavy rubbish so you can sweep the room / space without any hassle and distractions.
  6. Thoroughly clean the structure. This is especially important when going out / cleaning services. It is recommended to use a backpack vacuum as it can make the job faster and easier. Remember to start cleaning from top to bottom with boards, light curtains and windows. Instead of cleaning cabinets and drawers, clean them better to make the cleaning process faster and easier
  7. Start cleaning stained dirt and grimes on the wall and in other areas after finishing cleaning the room. You can use chemicals and detergents to clean furniture, floors and walls. It is better to use concentrated chemicals instead of ready-to-use chemicals as you can save a lot of money on them.
  8. To get heavy stains and dirt, spray thick smoke. Just make sure the room is well ventilated to avoid inhaling smoke. Employees should wear appropriate protective equipment to avoid any constipation or respiratory problems.
  9. Use suitable cleaning materials such as paper towels, microfiber cloth or terry cloth tags.

For dust, use a microfiber green cloth; the color blue of the windows and other areas of glass, red and yellow toilets and counters respectively.

  1. To get the best sink and scrub tile, use a different type brush. For tiles and ceramic surfaces use a grout brush. Taps, it is good to use a toothbrush.


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